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Thursday, November 12, 2009

This Madness Needs to Stop...

Honestly, this really needs to stop. Every time I get up in the morning to drive to school or just want to listen to music, I always play this song first…no matter what. And it’s on my ‘Songs Running Through My Mind’ for heaven’s sake.


Why is it that I’m addicted to U-Kiss song ‘Man Man Ha Ni?’

Yes, I know it is hard to believe. But the song is just so damn fucking catchy! And they have two hot blonde guys in their group.

Oh god…just slap me now. With all of the groups that I like at the moment, I cannot find myself liking yet another boy group. I’m not even interested in U-Kiss. I saw one of their first music videos…hell no. I swear, I thought that I was a pedo looking at these children. And there really wasn’t much hype about them either when I got into the K-pop scene.

Then, out of nowhere, they reappeared looking all grown up. Hell, even the 15 year old grew up and looks matured now. So, they made their comeback. And to humor myself, I watched the music video for just the hell of it. I shouldn’t have watched it. Like I said earlier, they dyed two of the guys hair to blonde and I couldn’t help myself but to look.

And fucking a-…they were hot and one of them had guyliner. And you all know that I’m a sucker for guyliner and at the moment, the blonde look. It got to the point where I watched one of their live comeback performances and actually looked them up on Wikipedia.

Yes…I wiki-ed them. And apparently these boys aren’t children since all but 2 of them are older than me. So…I don’t feel that bad. I’m still a pedo when it comes to Taemin though…*sighs*

So, damn the 180 change from children to matured children.

Damn the catchy tune that I find myself humming to unknowingly.

Damn Eli for being fucking gorgeous with the blonde hair and guyliner.

Damn you U-Kiss.


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