You visted? Whoa...thanks.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

So Sorry...

I am so sorry for not noticing how hot you are. I know I didn't even give you a chance when I continued to stare at Jonghoon and Seunghyun's sexiness and fawn over JaeJin and Hongki's voice. And I want to officially apologize for underestimating your appeal...

Choi Minhwan
Damn sexy with the leather jacket...

I think the main reason why I didn't see your appeal is because your image before was one of a little kid. You were like a little boy and the fact that you're a year younger than me kind of didn't suit well with me. Sure, JaeJin is younger but at least he was born in the same year as me.

But I began to see your appeal during F.T. Island's Cross & Change promotion. Your hair in the "Barae" music video made you look a bit more mature and I totally ignored the fact that you're a year younger that me.

So, you no longer became invisible to me. I noticed you and continued to comment on how hot you are. It was this picture and during the F.T. Triple promotions that pushed you over the line and I just had to acknowledge how you have grown.

I am sorry that I did not pay attention to you. You are 17 now and have matured quite nicely from when you debuted 2 years ago.

Choi Minhwan, I hope you accept my apology and let me stare at your manly appeal.


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