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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Photo of the Day

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Isn't this man just oh so delicious? I would be messed up if I didn't use this picture for one of my Photo of the Day posts. Actually, this specific picture stops me from using my cellphone. I chose this pic to by my background for my iPhone and I refuse to slide my finger across the screen. The minute I do that, no more sexy shirtless Seulong. All I see is my many apps that do nothing to my eyes and provide me no feeling of satisfaction.

This man here is one of the four ballad singers that make up the group 2AM. He is the tallest guy in the group, roughly 6'1. Now the fact that he's that tall must give you an idea of how packed he would be. I mean, come on...his name basically gives it out. Seulong sounds like 'So Long' for heaven's sake. If that doesn't convince you, then watch him Wild Bunny with 2PM or him in Dirty Eyed Girls. He is very long limbed.

Also, another thing to mention about Seulong besides what's in his pants, is the fact that his chest is HUGE. Again, if you watch Wild Bunny or the Dirty Eyed Girls will know what I'm talking about. And I bet this photographer knew how massive his chest is and decided to exenuate it...and he did an AMAZING job. He maximized Seulong's chest in two ways.

First way was making him shirtless. It doesn't take a genius to realize that the best way to know how well built his chest is to see it in all it's glory...discarding his torso with offensive shirts and tanks. The second way was the lighting. The light just cascades over those mounds, outlining the curves. I just want to run my hands over that body and grope him...

Anyways, back to what I was saying. His facial expression also helps out a TON. The slightly messed up hair due to the numerous times I ran my fingers through his hair (okay...not ME exactly...). Then you have his half-lidded lustful eyes and his lips parted oh so makes one want to see the whole picture before it was cropped...

Well, that's all I'm going to say. I'm pretty sure that you're just staring at the picture and not even glancing at what I just wrote. But I guess that's okay. I would be staring at that photo of Seulong for a LONG time...I understand.


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