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Saturday, March 20, 2010

New Banner...Awesome Discovery...


Who got a new banner for her blog?? I DID! And you wanna know who made it for me? It was none other than my AMAZING and TALENTED cousin Neenr. I am so lucky that she was kind enough to make me a banner after I asked her.

It looks great, don't you guys think? It's my three favorite B2ST members at the moment. I also love the writings she put for each member because they are SO TRUE! you! Thank you so much!!!

The Awesome Discovery
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Now, I don't know about what you guys think...but I find this to be really awesome.

One of my friends tagged me in a photo on Facebook. When I checked it out...I saw THIS! She decided to look up Doo Joon pics on google images and on the very first page...she saw this and screencapped it for me to see.

I cannot believe that the macro I made October or November is on the first page on google images if one wanted to look for Doo Joon pics. I's MY MACRO! Also...if anyone clicks on it then they'll be directed to my blog.

I'm just so amazed that it happened...woohoo!

Anyways, that's it. I have acquired SO many photos of hot kpeen so I have inspiration to blog about them...all I need is my laptop back...


1 comment:

  1. and this is how i found your blog ...
    by searching "Sexy Jang HyunSeung"
    You are so lucky to have gotten as close to Beast as you did during the KMF craze. I was only able to see them on stage and take a fancam. i'm a member of b2r too. i saw ur post there on seobie wearing your green shirt. you should join
    its a new beast forum made for the tainted mind. XD
