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Monday, January 25, 2010

Some Changes Made

To those who have seen my blog, one could tell that I have made a lot of changes...

The layout is sort of different than before and I have a different banner. With my little knowledge and talent of photoshop, that is what I came up with.

Sidebar differences

Can't Stop Thinking About - It is now a gif of Yo Seob showing off his muscles that I never knew existed.

My Top 10 Men - It's now called "My list of Man Candy." Also, there really isn't a definite number of guys on the list. It depends on who perks my interest at the moment.

Songs Running Through my Mind - It's now called "Songs Blasting in my Car." And now there is video so feel free to watch the small screen.

Anyways, that's it. Not really much of an update...just some changes.



  1. I died when I saw the Yoseob gif ♥♥♥ OH MAH BAJOVAH ♥♥♥
    Your blog looks good with the changes. Good work! =D

  2. Lol!
    I died too when I saw that gif.
    I really had no idea that he had any!!

    I'm happy with how it looks at the moment.

  3. WOAH. when did YO SEOB have toned arms?
    and he wears white tankssss????

    my conclusion: he's been secretly hangin out with JOOMI.

    your banner is SOOO BEAST!!!! XD
