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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Photo of the Day - Marie Claire Edition

So...B2ST did another photo shoot with Marie Claire. Do you all remember the first time B2ST did a photo shoot with them? Yes, it was the shoot where they were all shirtless and mighty tasty. So of course, I had high hopes when I saw the spoiler photos they released of the shoot. As I saw ALL of the photos from the shoot....well, I have things to say for all of the pictures. So, I decided that I would do a Photo of the Day - Marie Claire Edition and feature pretty much all of the photos one by one and divulge my inner thoughts and possible sexual urges on the photos. To start this off...I decided to use the sort of group B2ST picture.

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I don't know about you guys but I seriously get this HIGH CLASS GIGOLO feel from this photo. You all know what I mean...they aren't the cheap man whores that you can get out of a phone book. Hell no. These are A-list men that belong to agencies where the price of one of these guys for one night is probably in the thousands. And let me tell you, with their selection of men to choose from one might be tempted to get multiple because it's so hard for a gal to just pick one. I bet that's what happened to the girl in this photo. She couldn't make up her mind on who she wanted to pay for the whole night and ended up getting all four of them. Now mind you, these are four specific guys who are different from one another.

You've got the young face, Son Dongwoon, whose good looks and celebrity aura draws you in. You're taken back knowing that he's so young and yet, the idea of being taken by someone at his age makes you quiver in anticipation. He'll be inexperienced and wild...totally unrestrained and no control. Pure raw sex. Then you've got the BAMF business man, Yong Junhyung. There's this sense of strictness and dominance that excites you. The thoughts of being overpowered by this top class man gives you a rush that no drug can compete with. You allow yourself to submit and let him have his way with you until he's fully satisfied...and who knows how long that'll take. The next one is the cocky ladies man, Yoon DooJoon. He knows for sure how women want and ache for what is in his pants. And guess what? He takes advantage of that and teases you in the bedroom. He'll make you voice out what you want and beg him to touch you because it's a great turn on for him. The man loves knowing how amazing he is and the bigger his ego is that bigger his...well, 'you know' will be. And of course, you can't leave out the sensitive one, Lee Kikwang. Unlike the other three, Kikwang is here to whisper sweet nothings into your ear and make you feel like you're the only gal in the world. He's someone who will make love to you with so much passion that you'll feel like your heart is going to burst from so much love and affection. be able to do all four of them in one night is the question. But I'm sure that there is a way. I know I would because with the price that I paid for the four of them, I'm going to get my money's worth and use up all of the hours until times up. So gals and guys (you may never know) willing to take out loans and your savings account to spend a night with either of these guys?



  1. haha, ur post made me laugh so much. lol theyre so sexy :]

  2. Have I told you how much I love the way you write so beautifully about the SEX that is B2ST? Because I really, really do. <3

    oh and

  3. Ohhhhhhh duuuuuuuuuuuude *drools* love your writing makes me hyper *THUD*
