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Saturday, May 29, 2010

A Great Way to WAKE UP!

Alright people, I can say that today is one of my favorite days EVER! It has been such a good day that I have been grinning from ear to ear for pretty much the whole day. I shall not prolong it and start typing it right away.

So, I slept late last night because I had a fun time talking with my friend Meggie about numerous B2ST scenarios and wonder what we would do if ever they happened. Yeah, might sound odd to you all but it was hilarious and fun for us. Anyways, because I slept late I woke up late. Betweeen 9-10am in the morning I was in and out of sleep. I really wanted to keep on sleeping but I knew that I had to get up so I forced my eyes not to close again and went through my usual routine. My usual routine being checking my Twitter, email and YouTube. So as I was looking through my new videos while I was laying down on the futon, I saw something that made me immediately sit up and gasp so loud that it sounded like I couldn't breathe. My mom and grandma were near me and I can say that I scared the crap out of them. I was speaking gibberish and I got up from the futon and starting jumping up and down around the living room and making high pitched noises. Want to know what I saw? This.

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For those who immediately get it, I applaud you and give you a hug because you have read my blog and remembered. For the ones who do not get it, I'm still going to hug you just because. I will now explain what in that image that I circled made me react like I did. I wrote a blog post like...a month ago about my encounter with B2ST in LA. In that blogpost I posted a picture that I took of the gifts that I bought for a couple of the B2ST members. Look.

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This is the reason why I jumped out of the futon going crazy, jumping up and down because the shirt that I BOUGHT with my OWN MONEY is being worn on my bias...YOSEOB! Honestly, how awesome is that?! I mean, any fangirl would want to see their bias wear the clothes that YOU bought with your OWN money. But of course the chance of having that actually happen really isn't that high and even if they did wear it, the only way you would know is in a fancam or fan taken pictures. So, I gave it to him I believe on April 28 and when they went back to Korea I waited...and waited...and waited to see if I saw them wearing my things. Nothing happened so I pretty much gave up on it and thought to myself, "Well they'll wear it one day or they probably already wore it and I just don't know." With that thought I forgot about it and just went along my merry way. That's why it was such a shock when I saw that image that I circled because I already forgot about it. Here are a couple of the PLENTY of screencaps that I took of it.

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Yes, I know that these screencaps are very blurry and they're pretty much the same pose but look! You can clearly see the shirt that I gave him...ON HIM! He is wearing it! It's just so blatantly obvious and he's just casually wearing my shirt in their dorm room. The reason why I think this is such a special moment for me is because this isn't a fancam or a fan taken photo. This is B2ST ALMIGHTY's last episode and this was broadcasted last night. They probably recorded this last week or something which means that he wore my shirt just recently. I mean, of ALL the shirt to wear that day he decided to wear this shirt.

Honestly, I was worried that he wouldn't wear that green shirt because well, it's green. I've watched basically every video out there that is B2ST and I noticed that they usually wear tops that are either black or white with a design on it. Well, for Yoseob at least. I have yet to see any shirts that he has worn that has color in, only once. That's why I thought that if he were to ever wear a shirt I bought him it would be the white one with green squares on it. But the minute I saw that green shirt I just knew that it was for Yoseob. Like...the shirt spoke to me. I know, sounds ridiculous but I just had a feeling that is a shirt that Yoseob would wear. And it seems like I was right.

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Just think...Yoseob was crawling around on the floor with my shirt. In this picture you can see that it seems like Yoseob's head is on someones ass. Yup...that's Dongwoon's ass. So, the shirt could have touched and graced Dongwoon's body right here. For all I know, maybe one of the members hugged Yoseob or put their arm over him or something! That shirt could hold all the members essence...just thinking about it is making me all hot and bothered.

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Ok. Two things come to mind when I screencapped this pic.

1) Yoseob is pointing at me and telling me that he will reward me for the awesome shirt I got him. He wants to thank me by letting me join him in their room with only the two of us while I take his shirt off and throw it on the floor. Even though its an awesome shirt, trust me...I want whats under so much more.

2) There is a good chance that he's probably going to SLEEP with that shirt ON! As in...that shirt is going to be rubbing against Yoseob's bedsheets and pillow. Yoseob could have sweated on that bed or could have gone to bed shirtless...and that shirt is totally covered by his essence.

This is sort of out of order but when I saw the YouTube image with the Yoseob in a green shirt, I just had to watch the first part of the FINAL EPISODE of B2St Almighty. I didn't care that there wasn't any subs because I just had to make sure that shirt was the one that I gave. So I watched the video on my iPhone and in the first 10 secs the first B2ST member you see is Yoseob with the green shirt. Now, even though I was pretty confident that was the shirt that I gave him, I had to see the WHOLE shirt. I only saw the two white eyes of the shirt and I needed to see the mouth because who knows? He could have had another green shirt that he chose to wear. But when the camera panned out and I saw the whole shirt, I was now 100% sure that it was mine. Here is the first part of the last episode and maybe you'll spazz with me.

So...for a good 1:43 you can see Yoseob in the shirt. Honestly, it took me a while to actually keep on watching because I would just go back to the beginning and only see him wearing the shirt. I swear...every time I think about it a smile just forms on my face. It kind of seems surreal that it happened and that he liked the shirt enough to just wear it.

Really...what a great way to wake up and start the day. Yoseob, thank you for liking my shirt and wearing it. You are absolutely amazing and as of right now, my love for you seem to be a bit more than everyone else now. Yoseob, I love you.

Side note: Just wanted to add that I changed my 'My List of Eye Candy.' I added guys and took out guys. Anyways, check it out!



  1. OMG Srsly that is soooooooo awesome girl.. I'm happy for you. He looks really cute in that shirt. *hugs*

  2. Hi! Your B2st and KMF reports are so fantastic! I love how detailed they are and how funny and witty your writing is :) That is so awesome that Yoseob wore your shirt!! I think you picked a great one to give to him <3

    I actually have a question for you and I hope you can help me out... I've been wanting to send them fan gifts too. I'd like to send them T-shirts, but I can't figure out what size they are. Did you get Yoseob a shirt in Size Small? Since he and Kikwang seem shorter than the other guys, I thought they might wear Size S shirts. But then again, Kikwang has all those muscles!! Maybe he's a Size M? I always thought that Hyunseung and Junhyung were M's and Doojoon and Dongwoon were L's because they're taller. Since you got to see them in person, do you have an opinion on what sizes I should buy? Any advice would be wonderful!!! I would seriously spazz out like crazy if I saw them wearing a gift I bought! Yoseob wearing your shirt is super special because it was on the very last episode of the show. Congrats!!!

  3. Awesome! He looks great in the shirt, and I can just imagine how spazztastic you feel about him (as your bias) wearing it! *Kudos to you girl*

  4. @Anonymous:

    Hi! Thanks for reading my blog and taking the time to comment.

    I would love to help you and directly tell you my answer to your question its just that you commented as Anonymous so I have no idea where I can give you my answer. The only way I can think of is to give you my thoughts right here as a comment on my own blog. The only way you'll be able to see this is if you subscribed to my blog or you come and check it frequently. Anyways, I hope that you'll be able to get my answer.

    The shirt size that I bought for Yoseob is actually a Large. I was also torn between getting a medium or a large but because I usually see him in clothes that are big for him, I decided to get the Large. And yea, it was a bit big on him but I think it was just right. Now, the guys are actually pretty skinny when I met them. But for me, I think if ever you buy them a shirt I would say Large.

    The reason why is because it would be better to get a size that may be big on them than getting them a size that may be too fitting or small. Besides, they could always wash it and then it might get smaller. answer is, get a Large.

    I hope that was of help and that you get to see this message.

  5. OMG! that is sooo fricken cool!!! u must feel so happy right now. luuuuckyy~ :D

  6. yaaaay so glad to know that they actually wear their fans gifts.

    haha I love reading your entries I get all giggly just thinking about the beast members :)

    btw I just started following you on twitter!

  7. And I got KHUN a size M. FAIL T_T

  8. *applauds*
    That is so cool. Now think about it, not only did he wear it, but on an episode for B2ST Almighty. There are thousands of people who have seen that shirt by now, and there could be fans in Korea watching this and thinking "Wow, I love that shirt Yoseob is wearing"

    And Yoseob is one of the members with the most skin-ship with the other members, so that shirt now has BEAST all over it.

  9. Hye Hye!!
    When I'm reading your report..I was like nothing else except wishing and praying that they will wear the T-Shirt and use all the stuff I bought for them~!!

    It such a excitement when you saw YoSeob wearing it,isnt?XD

    P/s:OMO..Reading your blog really give me heart attack~!XD

  10. holy fucking shit he wore ur shirt!!! if hongki from ft island ever wore a shirt...that is if i ever figured out how to send him one...i would jizz. lmao <3

  11. Where did u buy that shirt??
