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Monday, September 20, 2010

Photo of the Day

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Okay, I know that it has been forever since I have done a Photo of the Day. You would think that I would comeback with a hot and UNF pic that would make your panties melt...but nope! Trust me, I really wanted to....but when I saw this pic I just HAD to rant about it.

Honestly, what the fuck?! I love the pimp hands with the rings and the sexy hardcore spikey bracelet. He's wearing one of my favorites shades. This would have been a PERFECT picture if it wasn't for this 'PARTING-THE-HAIR-IN-THE-MIDDLE!!!' I honestly DO NOT UNDERSTAND why Junhyung keeps on doing this! It may be him or the coordi noonas who style his hair...but they NEED to UNDERSTAND that hairstyle IS NOT JIZZABLE!! And this is not the FIRST TIME I have seen him part his hair in the middle. I don't care if I think you're the SEXIEST guy out there and I'm willing to be your sex slave. If you have your hair parted in the middle I'm going to tell you that it's unattractive. Then, you deranged stylists decide that the 'middle-part' isn't LAME enough so you go ahead and CURL the ends of the hair to make a WAVE!! WHY! Please try to EXPLAIN to me on how that hair looks anything REMOTELY good. Because this look? It is NOT WORKING! I mean, for goodness sake! You can see his DAMN ROOTS!!

I just...I don't know. Get it right next time ok stylists noonas? Junhyung...please say no when the stylists decide to do your hair like. And if I find out that it's you that wants to part it in the middle...I'm gonna have to go fly to Korea myself and smack some sense into you.



  1. <33 absolutely lol'd at this xP

  2. lol i agree with you, i think the stylists go way too "creative" sometimes -.-

  3. he's working the WAVE~~~ and those sexy roots.

  4. You're Funny ;)
    Im glad he's ditched this look!
